Song Of The South is a 5-Reel, 20-Payline aussie Style poker machine.
Now with the full movie to view within the game to enjoy.
This special created version is one of a kind and only can be purchased through us.
This is the Bundle version Android and Windows on usb
Please Note: In order to install you must disable Google protect to install.
Google protects only function is to stop third parties for selling products.
The Google Playstore is not used or supported.
Free Spins is awarded for 3 Scattered on any line and on all reels.
Wild Substitutes during normal play for all symbols except Major and Bonus reels.
During Free Spins 2X multiplier pay double - X5 pays 5 times the amount and 2X + 5X on same line multiplies win x10.
2x and 5x substitute for all symbols except scattered, bonus and free spins.
World's first dual screen slot for the home market.
Now with auto detecting dual screen depicting game logo on second screen and big win animations.
Product does not required internet to install or view movie as its all included in File
Percentage payout similar to actual real play slots and wins are based on 1 cent gameplay.
All our games are for amusement only.
System Requirements
OS *: Android
Mobile Or Tablet
Additional Notes: For Amusement Only
Copyright 2023 - 2024 Pokies4fun
OS *: Windows 7,8,10 11 32 bit and 64 Bit
Processor: Intel - Amd
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Standard Video Card
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: All Standard Sound Cards
Additional Notes: For Amusement Only
Copyright 2023 - 2024 Pokies4fun
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Postage includes item supplied on Usb Drive and tracking.
If you wish to trial our games before purchase visit website pokies4fun, Log into the portal its free.
By signing up you get most updated versions, support and other special deals when available.
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- N/A
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Song Of The South is a 5-Reel, 20-Payline aussie Style poker machine.Now with the full movie to view within the game to enjoy.
39,95 AUD
Song Of The South is a 5-Reel, 20-Payline aussie Style poker machine.Now with the full movie to view within the game to enjoy.
39,95 AUD